⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Second Book, WIRED ROGUE, is FREE! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If Lisbeth Salander and Jack Reacher had a Black/Thai love child...she would be SOPHIE.
✅ Brilliant hacker, MMA fighter, domestic abuse survivor, chronic depressive
✅ Likes kids and animals more than people
✅ Likes to go off the grid and hide under a fake identity
✅ Never, never gives up on a case. Never.
Paradise can't contain a thirst for revenge.
How would you handle a sadistic stalker?
Security specialist Sophie Ang returns to Maui, working alongside dynamic partner Jake Dunn to solve a series of bizarre and escalating threats against a rocker with a beach mansion. But soon, catching a crazed stalker becomes the least of Sophie's problems: a deadly enemy is hell-bent on taking her down, along with anyone she cares about. Sophie's very identity is tested as she grapples with issues of conscience and survival in a struggle that takes her to the edge of heartbreak, and beyond.
"One of the year's best books!" ~ KC, Goodreads