Every human of adult age and sufficient health shall therefore donate, every sixty days, one pint of blood to the blood bank of his or her district, ensuring the survival of the vampire race, the continued safety of humankind, and peace between the species—Edict 14 of The Crimson Accord
As long as I can remember, I've longed for a different life—one filled with adventure, excitement, and romance. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind. One minute I was riding in a horse-drawn buggy on my way home to my quiet Amish village— the next was torn by the screech of car tires, and twisted metal, and the white hot lance of pain. There was no doubt in my mind my life was over. So when I woke to the face of a beautiful stranger who promised me the suffering would end soon, I thought I'd seen an angel.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
Abigail Byler is caught between two worlds at the worst possible time in human/vampire history. A peace treaty signed 55 years ago allowed vampires to come out of hiding and begin participating in the world in a respectable, productive way.
Not only did it permanently solve supply chain issues arising from illness, death, and human exhaustion, (vampires make phenomenal long-haul truck drivers and night-shift workers) it also provided a non-violent option for their kind to satisfy their nutritional needs.
But now the anti-vamp movement in America is growing, and the Accord is in danger of crumbling. Abigail will have to find her new place in the world—and in the beautiful but deadly Crimson Court—if she's to have any hope of surviving and helping the human race do the same.
CRIMSON BORN is a romantic and gripping YA dystopian vampire fantasy that will transport fans of paranormal romance and YA urban fantasy to a fascinating supernatural world within our own, filled with suspense, danger, sizzling tension, and desire.