Twelve Hours. Three spirits. One second chance.
Card-carrying cynic and heiress to her family’s ghost tour business, Wendy Deveaux is no Scrooge. Yet after old insecurities rear their heads and she breaks up with sexy Canadian tech consultant Alec McKinley, she’s back to being as miserly with her trust as Ebenezer is with his money.
Then on New Year’s Eve, Alec walks into her ghost tour gift shop again, and Wendy is reminded that she let go of her best friend, the one person in her life that saw her not as just a responsible daughter and family caretaker, but a girl who likes B movies, font pairings, and loud and angsty music. Alec was the one person the same kind of weird as she was, and she let him go.
But Wendy might have the second chance she needs to make things right—if she can get her courage together before he leaves at midnight. It might take three smart-assed spirits, a dose of holiday magic, and joining forces with his possibly-evil twin, but if she can find a way to move past her fears, their story might have a happy ending after all.
Warning: Contains a murder mystery dinner theater, a Bachelor drinking game, a sloth, and lots of geeky banter