As a parent, you set the tone for your children's intuitive awakening. A spiritually conscious and integrated dad or mom who has a strong connection to his or her own inner guidance and well-being makes it possible for that same quality to flourish in kids and at home.
Over the years, Sonia Choquette has been asked whether her extraordinary intuition is a gift, and she's come to answer "yes". But her blessing wasn’t being endowed with an “extra sense.” It was having a mother who created a spiritual awareness and a home environment that encouraged all of her senses to develop.
That is what inspired Sonia Choquette to write this profound and accessible book explaining—through spiritual principles, modern-day parables, and practical exercises—how even busy parents can help children connect to their own source of Divine guidance.
Your personal sixth sense is activated by training your awareness to become sharper and receive more information from others, the astral planes, your Higher Self, and God. You begin this process by learning how to expand your consciousness and better understand the way your body takes in and responds to energy. Intuitive living is the art of developing your awareness to be a highly sophisticated receiver of vibrations that will give you more accurate data to work with as you interact with people. It involves teaching yourself to be open and receptive to the subtle planes of energy that constitute our psychic lives.
Awakening your sixth sense begins with an awareness of ten basic principles: